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2.3.1 Invoking edit-pr from the shell

The usage for edit-pr is:

edit-pr [ -V | --version ] [ -h | --help ]
        [-d database | --database database] PR Number

Network-mode-only options:

         [--host host | -H host] [--port port]
         [--user user | -v user]
         [--passwd passwd | -w passwd]

The options have the following meaning:

-h, --help

Prints a brief usage message for edit-pr.

-V, --version

Prints the version number for edit-pr.

-d database, --database database

Specifies the database containing the PR to be edited; if no database is specified, the database named ‘default’ is assumed. This option overrides the database specified in the GNATSDB environment variable.

--host host, -H host

Specifies the hostname of the gnatsd server to communicate with. This overrides the value in the GNATSDB environment variable.

--port port

Specifies the port number of the gnatsd server to communicate with. This overrides the value in the GNATSDB environment variable.

--user user, -v user

Specifies the username to login with when connecting to the gnatsd server. This overrides the value in the GNATSDB environment variable.

--passwd passwd, -w passwd

Specifies the password to login with when connecting to the gnatsd server. This overrides the value in the GNATSDB environment variable.

edit-pr calls the editor specified in your environment variable EDITOR on a temporary copy of that PR. (If you don’t have the variable EDITOR defined in your environment, the default editor vi is used.)

Edit the PR, changing any relevant fields or adding to existing information. When you exit the editor, edit-pr prompts you on standard input for a reason if you have changed a field that requires specifying a reason for the change.

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.