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Re: patch for gnatsweb

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Dirk Bergstrom wrote:
> howdy.  i've been hacking on gnatsweb for the last year here at
> juniper networks, and i've made a lot of changes and bugfixes.  i
> finally found the time to merge my changes with the current
> development tree, and i'd like to get them rolled into the main line

Excellent news!

> juniper has been using gnats 4.0a in production for almost a year (bob
> manson did much of the development when he worked here, so we had a
> secret weapon)


> executive summary of my changes:
> [...]
> let me know what you think.

Two quick reactions, well, actually three:

 o Cool!

 o For this kind of non-trivial patches, we'd need a copyright assignment
 to the FSF/the GNU Project (or a disclaimer) from you and also a disclaimer
 from your employer. Do you think that's feasible?

 I'll happily explain the details and options, though we probably can take
 this off-list. The process itself is very simple and straight-forward.

 o Do you see any chance of splitting this huge patch into smaller,
 logically self-contained pieces that we could apply iteratively?

I'm looking forward to integrating all this great stuff!

Gerald "Jerry"

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