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Re: gnatsweb question (in the config? in the source?)

At 02:04 07.05.2001 -0400, Phil Edwards wrote:
>I sent a message similar to this one to Gerald, who kindly pointed me to
>this list.  (I'm not subscribed, so please cc me on followups.)
>I'd like to make a change/extension to gnatsweb.  When gnats sends out
>its initial-submission mail, it does so with a header like
>     Subject: foo/NNN: the gronkulator isn't frobilizing properly
>but when I make changes to the PR via gnatsweb, it sends out mail with
>     Subject: foo/NNN
>which makes arranging the email in my mailbox difficult, since remembering
>the synopsis for a few dozen arbitrary PR numbers is more than what my tiny
>little brain can handle.  I'd like to change things so that the synopsis
>is always part of the subject line.
>Maybe this isn't a config issue, maybe it's coded that way.  Or maybe this
>is a gnats issue, instead of a gnatsweb issue.  Where do I start looking?

I think you would get the behaviour you want if you change the line in the 
subroutine submitedit, reading

print MAILER "Subject: Re: $fields{'Category'}/$pr\n\n";
print MAILER "Subject: Re: $fields{'Category'}/$pr: $fields{'Synopsis'}\n\n";
or, if you want to explicitly use the old synopsis, even if the edit 
involved changes to the synopsis:
print MAILER "Subject: Re: $fields{'Category'}/$pr: 

Since I don't know what version of Gnatsweb you're using, I won't supply a 
patch for this, but you should be able to make the edit based on the info 

Hope this helps,

Yngve Svendsen
IS Engineer
Clustra AS, Trondheim, Norway

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