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Re: GNATS password management

At 10:33 29.06.2001 +0200, Milan Zamazal wrote:
> >>>>> "YS" == Yngve Svendsen <> writes:
>    YS> At 23:36 27.06.2001 +0200, Milan Zamazal wrote:
>     YS> -n, --nocreate Don't create file; display results on stdout.
>But it's implied (unlike in the case of gnats-passwd) by omitting the
>output file on the command line.
>     >>  I'd call it `gnats-passwd'.
>     YS> Yes, if that isn't too long?
>It's not, with modern shell features like completion and aliases
>intelligibility is preferred.

OK. I think we agree, then? No -n option, and `gnats-passwd' it is.

- Yngve

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