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Algorithm-Specific Attributes


Each of these constants are defined in the gnu.crypto.key.dh.GnuDHKeyPairGenerator class.

java.lang.String SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS Variable
Property name for the source of random bits to use when generating keys. The value mapped by this property must be of type gnu.crypto.prng.IRandom which must have been previously initialized. If undefined, then a default PRNG is used.

java.lang.String DH_PARAMETERS Variable
Property name for an optional javax.crypto.spec.DHGenParameterSpec instance to use for this generator.

java.lang.String PRIME_SIZE Variable
Property name of the size in bits (an instance of java.lang.Integer) of the public prime p.

java.lang.String EXPONENT_SIZE Variable
Property name of the size in bits (an instance of java.lang.Integer) of the private exponent x.


Each of these constants are defined in the gnu.crypto.key.dss.DSSKeyPairGenerator class.

java.lang.String SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS Variable
Property name for the source of random bits to use when generating keys. The value mapped by this property must be of type gnu.crypto.prng.IRandom which must have been previously initialized. If undefined, then a default PRNG is used.

java.lang.String DSS_PARAMETERS Variable
Property name of an optional instance to use for this generator's p, q, and g values. The default is to generate these values or use pre-computed ones, depending on the value of the USE_DEFAULTS attribute.

java.lang.String MODULUS_LENGTH Variable
Property name for the modulus length, in bits. The value mapped by this property must be of type java.lang.Integer.

java.lang.String USE_DEFAULTS Variable
Property name of an instance of java.lang.Boolean indicating wether or not to use pre-computed default values for the algorithm parameters. Three sets of such parameters are also provided covering 512-bit (KEY_PARAMS_512, 768-bit (KEY_PARAMS_768) and 1024-bit (KEY_PARAMS_512) keylength.


Each of these constants are defined in the gnu.crypto.key.rsa.RSAPSSKeyPairGenerator class.

java.lang.String SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS Variable
Property name for the source of random bits to use. The value mapped by this property must be of type gnu.crypto.prng.IRandom, which must have been previously initialized. If undefined, then a default PRNG is used.

java.lang.String MODULUS_LENGTH Variable
Property name for the length, in bits, of the modulus. The value mapped by this property must be of type java.lang.Integer.

java.lang.String RSA_PARAMETERS Variable
Property name for the optional values of e and n. The value mapped by this property must be of type Random or default values will be used instead if this parameter is not specified.


Each of these constants are defined in the gnu.crypto.key.srp6.SRPKeyPairGenerator class.

java.lang.String SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS Variable
Property name for the source of random bits to use. The value mapped by this property must be of type gnu.crypto.prng.IRandom, which must have been previously initialized. If undefined, then a default PRNG is used.

java.lang.String MODULUS_LENGTH Variable
Property name of the length (an instance of java.lang.Integer) of the modulus N of an SRP key.

java.lang.String SHARED_MODULUS Variable
Property name of the value of the modulus N of an SRP key. The value mapped by this property, if/when defined, must be of type java.math.BigInteger. It is an optional parameter. If undefined, then a new value is generated, unless USE_DEFAULTS is set to TRUE.

java.lang.String GENERATOR Variable
Property name of the value of the generator g of an SRP key. The value mapped by this property, if/when defined, must be of type java.math.BigInteger. It is an optional parameter. If undefined, then a new value is generated, unless USE_DEFAULTS is set to TRUE.

java.lang.String USE_DEFAULTS Variable
Property name of an instance of java.lang.Boolean indicating wether or not to use pre-computed default values for the algorithm parameters. Seven sets of such parameters are also provided covering 512-bit (N_512, 640-bit (N_640), 768-bit (N_768), 1024-bit (N_1024), 1280-bit (N_1280), 1536-bit (N_1536) and 2048-bit (N_2048) shared modulus length.