Coming soon in Gnuastro 0.15

Top: GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro)
Up: New features in 0.15, Previous: Table's --noblank=_all, Next: Table's --rowrandom

Below you can see a short description and usage example of one of the features that will be introduced in Gnuastro 0.15. The input data for these commands can be any table, but for obtaining the table used below, as well as the tarball of this release, please see List of new features.

Viewing a contiguous range of rows anywhere in the table:

With the new --rowlimit option, you can give any range of the input rows to view (or save). Until now, the only way to see a contiguous range of rows was the --head or --tail options to view the top or bottom set of rows.

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Up: New features in 0.15, Previous: Table's --noblank=_all, Next: Table's --rowrandom

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Updated: $Date: 2021/02/10 23:13:15 $