3.23  W: Current Controlled Switch

3.23.1  Syntax


Wxxxxxxx n+ n– ce mname {ic}
.iswitch label n+ n– ce mname {ic}

Model (required)

.model mname CSW {args}

3.23.2  Purpose

Current controlled switch.


N+ and n– are the positive and negative element nodes, respectively. Ce is the name of an element through which the controlling current flows. Mname is the model name. A switch is a resistor between n+ and n–. The value of the resistor is determined by the state of the switch.

The resistance between n+ and n– will be RON when the controlling current (through ce) is above IT + IH. The resistance will be ROFF when the controlling current is below IT - IH. When the controlling current is between IT - IH and IT + IH, the resistance will retain its prior value.

You may specify ON or OFF to indicate the initial state of the switch when the controlling current is in the hysteresis region.

RON and ROFF must have finite positive values.

The controlling element can be any simple two terminal element. Unlike SPICE, it does not need to be a voltage source.

3.23.4  Model Parameters

IT = x
Threshold current. (Default = 0.)

IH = x
Hysteresis current. (Default = 0.)

RON = x
On resistance. (Default = 1.)

ROFF = x
Off resistance. (Default = 1e12)

3.23.5  Probes

The standard probes for all basic elements are all available. See the print command for documentation.
Time step. The internal time step used for this device. It is not necessarily the same as the global time step.

Time. The time of the most recent calculation of this device. It is not necessarily the same as the global time.

The time of the previous calculation of this device. It is not necessarily the same as the global time.

The latest recommended time for the next sample, as determined by this device. This is usually an estimate of the time the device will switch.