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5.1.3 String Functions

— Function: efi_int_t efi_wstrcmp (efi_char16_t *s1, efi_char16_t *s2)

Compare unicode strings s1 and s2 and return the difference.

— Function: efi_int_t efi_wstrncmp (efi_char16_t *s1, efi_char16_t *s2, efi_uint_t n)

Compare unicode strings s1 and S2, and return the difference. Only compare n number of characters.

— Function: efi_int_t efi_wstricmp (efi_char16_t *s1, efi_char16_t *s2)

Compare strings and return the difference, independent of case.

— Function: efi_char16_t* efi_wstrcpy (efi_char16_t *d, efi_char16_t *s)

Copy string specified by s to the memory buffer pointed to by d. Return d.

— Function: efi_char16_t* efi_wstrncpy (efi_char16_t *dst, const efi_char16_t *src, efi_uint_t size)

Copy size characters from string src to string buffer dst. Return dst

— Function: efi_uint_t efi_wstrlen (efi_char16_t *s)

Return length of given string s.