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17.4.56 plainmount

Command: plainmount device -c cipher -s key size [-h hash]

[-S sector size] [-p password] [-u uuid] [[-d keyfile] [-O keyfile offset]]

Setup access to the encrypted device in plain mode. Offset of the encrypted data at the device is specified in terms of 512 byte sectors using the blocklist syntax and loopback device. The following example shows how to specify 1MiB offset:

loopback node (hd0,gpt1)2048+
plainmount node ...

The plainmount command can be used to open LUKS encrypted volume if its master key and parameters (key size, cipher, offset, etc) are known.

There are two ways to specify a password: a keyfile and a secret passphrase. The keyfile path parameter has higher priority than the secret passphrase parameter and is specified with the option -d. Password data obtained from keyfiles is not hashed and is used directly as a cipher key. An optional offset of password data in the keyfile can be specified with the option -O or directly with the option -d and GRUB blocklist syntax, if the keyfile data can be accessed from a device and is 512 byte aligned. The following example shows both methods to specify password data in the keyfile at offset 1MiB:

plainmount -d (hd0,gpt1)2048+ ...
plainmount -d (hd0,gpt1)+ -O 1048576 ...

If no keyfile is specified then the password is set to the string specified by option -p or is requested interactively from the console. In both cases the provided password is hashed with the algorithm specified by the option -h. This option is mandatory if no keyfile is specified, but it can be set to ‘plain’ which means that no hashing is done and such password is used directly as a key.

Cipher -c and keysize -s options specify the cipher algorithm and the key size respectively and are mandatory options. Cipher must be specified with the mode separated by a dash (for example, ‘aes-xts-plain64’). Key size option -s is the key size of the cipher in bits, not to be confused with the offset of the key data in a keyfile specified with the -O option. It must not exceed 1024 bits, so a 32 byte key would be specified as 256 bits

The optional parameter -S specifies encrypted device sector size. It must be at least 512 bytes long (default value) and a power of 2. 9. Disk sector size is configured when creating the encrypted volume. Attempting to decrypt volumes with a different sector size than it was created with will not result in an error, but will decrypt to random bytes and thus prevent accessing the volume (in some cases the filesystem driver can detect the presence of a filesystem, but nevertheless will refuse to mount it).

By default new plainmount devices will be given a UUID starting with ’109fea84-a6b7-34a8-4bd1-1c506305a401’ where the last digits are incremented by one for each plainmounted device beyond the first up to 2^10 devices.

All encryption arguments (cipher, hash, key size, disk offset and disk sector size) must match the parameters used to create the volume. If any of them does not match the actual arguments used during the initial encryption, plainmount will create virtual device with the garbage data and GRUB will report unknown filesystem for such device.

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