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9 (gnome gobject generics)

9.1 Overview

Generic functions for procedures in the (gnome gobject) module.

9.1.1 Mapping class libraries to Scheme

Guile-GNOME exists to wrap a C library, libgobject, its types, and the set of libraries that based themselves on the GLib types.

Procedure invocation feels very similar in Scheme and in C. For example, the C gtk_widget_show (widget) transliterates almost exactly to the Scheme (gtk-widget-show widget).

GLib-based libraries are not random collections of functions, however. GLib-based libraries also implement classes and methods, insofar that it is possible in C. For example, in the above example, show may be seen to be a method on instances of the <gtk-widget> class.

Indeed, other object-oriented languages such as Python express this pattern directly, translating the show operation as the pleasantly brief However this representation of methods as being bound to instances, while common, has a number of drawbacks.

The largest drawback is that the method itself is not bound to a generic operation. For example, mapping the show operation across a set of widgets cannot be done with the straightforward map(show, set), because there is no object for the show operation. Instead the user must locally bind each widget to a variable in order to access a method of the abstract show operation: map(lambda widget:, set).

Additionally, most languages which express methods as bound to instances only select the method via the type of the first (implicit) argument. The rule for these lanugages is, “gtk-widget-show is an applicable method of the show operation when the first argument to show is a <gtk-widget>.” Note the lack of specification for other arguments; the same object cannot have two applicable methods of the show operation. A more complete specification would be, “gtk-widget-show is an applicable method of the show operation when applied to one argument, a <gtk-widget>.” It is a fine difference, but sometimes important.

For these and other reasons, the conventional way to implement generic operations in Lisp has been to define generic functions, and then associate specific methods with those functions. For example, one would write the following:

      ;; defining a generic function, and one method implementation
      (define-generic show)
      (define-method (show (widget <gtk-widget>))
        (gtk-widget-show widget))
      ;; invoking the generic function
      (show my-widget)

One benefit of this approach is that method definitions can be made far away in space and time from type definitions. This leads to a more dynamic environment, in which methods can be added to existing types at runtime, which then can apply to existing instances.

9.1.2 The semantics of generic functions in Guile-GNOME

Naturally, there is an impedance mismatch between the conventions used in the C libraries and their Scheme equivalents. Operations in GLib-based libraries do not form a coherent whole, in the sense that there is no place that defines the meaning of an abstract show operation. For example, gtk-widget-set-state, which can make a widget become uneditable, and gst-element-set-state, which can start a video player, would both map to the generic function set-state, even though they have nothing to do with each other besides their name.

There is no conflict here; the methods apply on disjoint types. However there is a problem of modularity, in that both methods must be defined on the same generic function, so that (set-state foo bar) picks the correct method, depending on the types of foo and bar.

This point leads to the conclusion that generic functions in Guile-GNOME have no abstract meaning, apart from their names. Semantically, generics in Guile-GNOME are abbreviations to save typing, not abstract operations with defined meanings.

9.1.3 Practicalities

This module defines a number of “abbreviations”, in the form of generic functions, for operations on types defined in the (gnome gobject) modules. Generic functions for generated bindings like (gnome gtk) are defined in another module, (gnome gw generics), which re-exports the public bindings from this module.

9.2 Usage

— Generic: get
— Method: get (object <gobject>) (name <symbol>)

A shorthand for gobject-get-property.

— Generic: set
— Method: set (object <gobject>) (name <symbol>) (value <top>)

A shorthand for gobject-set-property.

— Generic: emit
— Method: emit (object <gtype-instance>) (name <symbol>) (args <top>)...

A shorthand for gtype-instance-signal-emit.

— Generic: connect
— Method: connect (object <gtype-instance>) (name <symbol>) (func <procedure>)

A shorthand for gtype-instance-signal-connect.

— Method: connect (args <top>)...

The core Guile implementation of the connect(2) POSIX call

— Generic: connect-after
— Method: connect-after (object <gtype-instance>) (name <symbol>) (func <procedure>)

A shorthand for gtype-instance-signal-connect-after.

— Generic: block
— Method: block (object <gtype-instance>) (id <top>)

A shorthand for gsignal-handler-block.

— Generic: unblock
— Method: unblock (object <gtype-instance>) (id <top>)

A shorthand for gsignal-handler-unblock.

— Generic: disconnect
— Method: disconnect (object <gtype-instance>) (id <top>)

A shorthand for gsignal-handler-disconnect.

— Generic: connected?
— Method: connected? (object <gtype-instance>) (id <top>)

A shorthand for gsignal-handler-connected?.

— Generic: invoke
— Method: invoke (closure <gclosure>) (args <top>)...

A shorthand for gclosure-invoke.

— Generic: create-signal
— Method: create-signal (class <gtype-class>) (name <symbol>) (return-type <top>) (param-types <top>)

A shorthand for gtype-class-create-signal.

— Generic: get-signals
— Method: get-signals (class <gtype-class>)

A shorthand for gtype-class-get-signals.

— Generic: get-properties
— Method: get-properties (class <gtype-class>)

A shorthand for gobject-class-get-properties.

— Generic: get-property-names
— Method: get-property-names (class <gtype-class>)

A shorthand for gobject-class-get-property-names.

— Generic: find-property
— Method: find-property (class <gtype-class>) (name <symbol>)

A shorthand for gobject-class-find-property.