2.5.3 Putting Extensions into Modules

In addition to Scheme code you can also put things that are defined in C into a module.

You do this by writing a small Scheme file that defines the module and call load-extension directly in the body of the module.

$ cat /usr/local/share/guile/site/math/bessel.scm

(define-module (math bessel)
  #:export (j0))

(load-extension "libguile-bessel" "init_bessel")

$ file /usr/local/lib/guile/3.0/extensions/libguile-bessel.so
... ELF 32-bit LSB shared object ...
$ guile
scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (math bessel))
scheme@(guile-user)> (j0 2)
$1 = 0.223890779141236

See Foreign Extensions, for more information.