======================================================================================== Smart Keys Context Action Key Assist Key ======================================================================================== Hyperbole On a minibuffer menu item Activates item Item help On an explicit button Activates button Button help Reading argument 1st press at an arg value Copies value to minibuffer <- same 2nd press at an arg value Uses value as argument <- same In minibuffer at eol Accepts minibuffer arg List completions In minibuffer before eol Deletes rest of arg Deletes rest of arg On an implicit button/path Activates button Button help Within a koutline cell Collapses and expands Shows tree props Left of a koutline cell Creates a klink Moves a tree HyRolo Match Buffer Edits entries and mails to e-mail addresses Mouse or Keyboard Display Control Line end, not end of buffer smart-scroll-proportional = t (default) Makes curr line top line Bottom line = nil Scrolls up a windowful Scrolls down End of Any Help buffer Restores screen to the previous state Read-only View Mode Scrolls up a windowful Scrolls wind down Mouse-only Control Drag from thing start or end Yanks thing at release Kills thing and yanks A thing is a delimited at release expression, such as a string, list or markup language tag pair Drag from bottom Modeline Repositions frame as <- same in frame with non-nil drag happens drag-with-mode-line param Drag from shared window side or from left of scroll bar Resizes window width <- same Modeline vertical drag Resizes window height <- same Other Modeline drag to Replaces dest. buffer Swaps window buffers another window with source buffer Drag to a Modeline from: but/buffer/file menu item Displays ref/buffer/file Swaps window buffers in new window by release buffer/file menu 1st line Moves buffer/file menu to Swaps window buffers new window by release anywhere else Displays buffer in Swaps window buffers new window by release Drag between windows from: but/buffer/file menu item Displays ref/buffer/file <- same in window of button release buffer/file menu 1st line Moves buffer/file menu <- same anywhere else Creates an ibut link Creates an ebut link Drag outside of Emacs from: but/buffer/file menu item Displays ref/buffer/file Moves window to new frame in a new frame Modeline or other window Clones window to new frame Moves window to new frame Modeline Click Left modeline edge Buries current buffer Unburies bottom buffer Right modeline edge Displays GNU Info manuals Displays Smart Key summary Buffer ID Dired on buffer's dir Displays next buffer or on parent when a dir Other blank area Action Key modeline hook Assist Key modeline hook Shows/Hides Buffer Menu Popups Jump & Manage Menu Drag in window, region active Error, not allowed Error, not allowed Horizontal drag in a window Splits window below Deletes window Vertical drag in a window Splits window side-by-side Deletes window Diagonal drag in a window Saves wconfig Restores wconfig from ring Active region exists, click Yanks region at release Kills and yanks at release outside of the region Hyperbole Key Press/Click in Special Modes Region Active Yanks region at release Kills and yanks at release Company Mode Completion Displays definition Displays documentation Helm Completion Displays item Displays item Emacs Push Button Activates button Button help Emacs Regression Test Def Evals and runs test Edebugs and runs test Thing Begin or End Marks thing region Marks & kills thing region Flymake Linter Mode Jumps to issue at point Displays issue at point Page Directory Listing Jumps to page <- same C,C++,Objective-C,Java Modes Jumps to id/include def Jumps to next def Assembly Language Mode Jumps to id/include def Jumps to next def Java Cross-reference Tag Jumps to identifier def Jumps to next def JavaScript and Python Modes Jumps to identifier def Jumps to next def Any Known Lisp or ChangeLog Jumps to identifier def Referent Doc Fortran Mode Jumps to identifier def Jumps to next def Imenu Programming Identifier Jumps to in-buffer def Prompts for id to jump to Emacs Lisp Compiler Error Jumps to def with error <- same Emacs Regression Test (ERT) Jumps to def with error <- same Other Compiler Error Jumps to src error line <- same Grep or Occur Match Jumps to match source line <- same Multi-buffer Occur Match Jumps to match source line <- same Etags `TAGS' file entry Jumps to source line Button help Ctags file entry Jumps to source line Button help Texinfo Cross-reference Before opening brace Jumps to Texinfo referent Button help Within braces Jumps to Info referent Button help Menu Item or node hdr Jumps to Texinfo referent Button help Include file Jumps to Texinfo referent Button help code/var reference Displays doc for referent Button help Org Mode Follows links, cycles headings and Org Meta Return Org/Roam ID Jumps to ID referent Button help Outline Major/Minor Modes Collapses, expands, and moves outline entries Man Apropos Displays man page entry <- same Man Pages Follows cross refs, file refs and C code refs I/Buffer Menu Saves, deletes and displays buffers Todotxt Mode Toggles item completion Edit and archive items Emacs Info Reader Menu Entry or Cross Ref Jumps to referent <- same Up, Next or Prev Header Jumps to referent Jumps to prior node File entry of Header Jumps to top node Jumps to (DIR) node End of current node Jumps to next node Jumps to previous node Anywhere else Scrolls up a windowful Scrolls down a windowful Subsystems Calendar Scrolls or shows appts Scrolls/marks date GNU Debbugs Tracker Displays issue discussion Displays issue status Treemacs Displays item Displays item Dired Sidebar Displays item Displays item Dired Mode Views and deletes files from dir listing Magit Modes Collapses, expands and jumps to things GNUS News Reader Toggles group subscriptions, gets new news, and browses articles Mail Reader and Summaries Browses, deletes and expunges messages OO-Browser Browses object classes and elements Tar Mode Views and edits files from tar archive files Any other context (defaults) Invalid context error Invalid context error ========================================================================================