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11.8.1 Amap constructors

All associative-map constructors take a comparator argument followed by a list of additional specification arguments. In all cases, the comparator is used to compare keys in the map, while the additional arguments specify the implementation and/or features of the map being created.

procedure: make-amap comparator arg …

Creates a new mutable associative map as specified by comparator and args.

procedure: alist->amap alist comparator arg …

Creates a new associative map as specified by comparator and args, and which contains the associations in alist.

procedure: amap-unfold stop? mapper successor seed comparator arg …

Creates a new associative map as specified by comparator and args. The associations in the resulting map are generated using the additional arguments.

The stop? argument is a unary predicate that takes a state value and returns #t if generation is complete, otherwise #f. The mapper argument is a unary procedure that takes a state value and returns two values: a key and a value. The successor argument is a unary procedure that takes a state value and returns a new state value. And seed is the initial state value.

The process by which the generator adds associations to the map is this:

(let loop ((state seed))
  (if (stop? state)
      (let-values (((key value) (mapper state)))
        (amap-set! result key value)
        (loop (successor state)))))

The arguments passed to a constructor can be divided into categories:

This is a complex set of possible arguments. In order to help explore what arguments can be used, and in what combinations, we provide some utility procedures:

procedure: amap-implementation-names

Returns a list of the supported implementation names.

procedure: amap-implementation-supported-args name

Returns a list of the arguments supported by the implementation specified by name. This list can include the procedure exact-nonnegative-integer? if the implementation supports an initial size.

procedure: amap-implementation-supports-args? name args

Returns #t if the implementation specified by name supports args, otherwise returns #f.

An implementation may support a limited set of comparators. For example, a hash table requires a comparator that satisfies comparator-hashable?, while a binary tree requires one satisfying comparator-ordered?.

procedure: amap-implementation-supports-comparator? name comparator

Returns #t if the implementation specified by name supports comparator, otherwise returns #f.

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