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14.3.13 Log-Mode-Mask

ATTRIBUTE Log-Mode-Mask 2007 integer
Users: L-
Hints: -R
Huntgroups: -R
Additivity: Append
Proxy propagated: N/A

VALUE           Log-Mode-Mask           Log-Auth                1
VALUE           Log-Mode-Mask           Log-Auth-Pass           2
VALUE           Log-Mode-Mask           Log-Failed-Pass         4
VALUE           Log-Mode-Mask           Log-Pass                6
VALUE           Log-Mode-Mask           Log-All                 7

Log-Mode-Mask is used to control the verbosity of authentication log messages for given user or class of users. The meaning of its values is:

Do not log successful authentications.
Do not show the password with the log message from a successful authentication.
Do not show a failed password.
Do not show a plaintext password, either failed or succeeded.
Do not log authentications at all.

Technical details: After authentication, the server collects all Log-Mode-Mask attributes from the incoming request and LHS of the user's entry. The values of these attributes ORed together form a mask, which is applied via an XOR operation to the current log mode. The value thus obtained is used as effective log mode.

This document was generated by Sergey Poznyakoff on November, 20 2004 using texi2html