6.3. String literal expressions

Example 6-4. Examples:

"a string literal"
"concat" "enation"
str_literal_expression ==>
        "{ISO_character}" {"{ISO_character}"}

STR objects represent strings (See Type). String literal expressions begin and end with double quote marks. The characters making up the string are specified in this construct from left to right. A backslash starts an escape sequence as with character literals. All successive octal digits following a backslash are taken to define a single character. Individual double-quote-bounded segments of string literals may not extend beyond a single line in the source text. However, successive quote bounded segments are concatenated together to form a single string and can be used to allow string literals to span more than one line of source code. They may also be used to force the end of an octal encoded character. For example: "\0367" is a one character string, while "\03""67" is a three character string. Such segments may be separated by comments and whitespace.