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2.1.1 shar help/usage (--help)

This is the automatically generated usage text for shar.

The text printed is the same whether selected with the help option (--help) or the more-help option (--more-help). more-help will print the usage text by passing it through a pager program. more-help is disabled on platforms without a working fork(2) function. The PAGER environment variable is used to select the program, defaulting to more. Both will exit with a status code of 0.

shar (GNU sharutils) - create a shell archive - Ver. 4.13.3
USAGE:  shar [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [file ...]

specifying compression:

   -p, --intermix-type        specify compression for input files
                                - prohibits these options:
                                vanilla-operation options:
   -C, --compactor=str        specify compaction (compression) program
                                - prohibits these options:
                                vanilla-operation options:
                                - may appear multiple times
   -g, --level-of-compression=num pass LEVEL for compression
                                - It must be in the range:s
                                  1 to 9t be in the range:s
       --level-for-gzip=num   This is an alias for 'level-of-compression'

specifying file encoding methodology:

   -M, --mixed-uuencode       decide uuencoding for each file
   -B, --uuencode             treat all files as binary
                                - an alternate for mixed-uuencode
   -T, --text-files           treat all files as text
                                - an alternate for mixed-uuencode

specifying file selection and output modes:

   -o, --output-prefix=str    print output to file PREFIX.nn
   -l, --whole-size-limit=num split archive, not files, to size
                                - requires these options:uuencode
                                output-prefixese options:uuencode
                                - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T
                                - It must lie in one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                  8 to 1023, orn one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                  8192 to 4194304one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
   -L, --split-size-limit=num split archive or files to size
                                - requires these options:he ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                output-prefixese options:he ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                - is scalable with a suffix: k/K/m/M/g/G/t/T
                                - It must lie in one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                  8 to 1023, orn one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                  8192 to 4194304one of the ranges:M/g/G/t/T
                                - an alternate for whole-size-limitM/g/G/t/T
   -I, --input-file-list=str  read file list from a file

Controlling the shar headers:

   -n, --archive-name=str     use name to document the archive
   -s, --submitter=str        override the submitter name
   -a, --net-headers          output Submitted-by: & Archive-name: headers
                                - requires these options:size-limitM/g/G/t/T
                                archive-namehese options:size-limitM/g/G/t/T
   -c, --cut-mark             start the shar with a cut line
   -t, --translate            translate messages in the script

Protecting against transmission issues::

       --no-character-count   do not use `wc -c' to check size
   -D, --no-md5-digest        do not use md5sum digest to verify
   -F, --force-prefix         apply the prefix character on every line
   -d, --here-delimiter=str   use delim to delimit the files

Producing different kinds of shars::

   -V, --vanilla-operation    produce very simple shars
   -P, --no-piping            use temporary files between programs
   -x, --no-check-existing    blindly overwrite existing files
   -X, --query-user           ask user before overwriting files
                                - prohibits these options:ize-limitM/g/G/t/T
                                vanilla-operation options:ize-limitM/g/G/t/T
   -m, --no-timestamp         do not restore modification times
   -Q, --quiet-unshar         avoid verbose messages at unshar time
   -f, --basename             restore in one directory, despite hierarchy

Internationalization options::

       --no-i18n              do not internationalize
       --print-text-domain-dir  print directory with shar messages

user feedback/entertainment:

   -q, --quiet                do not output verbose messages
       --silent               This is an alias for 'quiet'

version, usage and configuration options:

   -v, --version[=arg]        Output version information and exit
   -h, --help                 Display extended usage information and exit
   -!, --more-help            Extended usage information passed thru pager
   -R, --save-opts[=arg]      Save the option state to a config file
   -r, --load-opts=str        Load options from a config file
                                - disabled as --no-load-optse-limitM/g/G/t/T
                                - may appear multiple timesse-limitM/g/G/t/T

Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.

If no ``file''s are specified, the list of input files is read from a
standard input.  Standard input must not be a terminal.

The following option preset mechanisms are supported:
 - reading file $HOME/.sharrc

``shar'' creates "shell archives" (or shar files) which are in text format
and can be emailed.  These files may be unpacked later by executing them
with ``/bin/sh''.  The resulting archive is sent to standard out unless the
``-o'' option is given.  A wide range of features provide extensive
flexibility in manufacturing shars and in specifying ``shar'' "smartness".
Archives may be fairly simple (``--vanilla-operation'') or essentially a
mailable ``tar'' archive.

Options may be specified in any order until a ``file'' argument is
recognized.  If the ``--intermix-type'' option has been specified, more
compression and encoding options will be recognized between the ``file''

Though this program supports ``uuencode''-d files, they are deprecated.  If
you are emailing files, please consider mime-encoded files.  If you do
``uuencode'', base 64 is the preferred encoding method.

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