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1.19.1 BLOX.BEventTarget: intercepting events

addEventSet: aBEventSetSublass

Add to the receiver the event handlers implemented by an instance of aBEventSetSubclass. Answer the new instance of aBEventSetSublass.

onAsciiKeyEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When an ASCII key is pressed and the receiver has the focus, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject, passing to it a Character.

onDestroySend: aSelector to: anObject

When the receiver is destroyed, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject.

onFocusEnterEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the focus enters the receiver, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject.

onFocusLeaveEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the focus leaves the receiver, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject.

onKeyEvent: key send: aSelector to: anObject

When the given key is pressed and the receiver has the focus, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject. Examples for key are: ’Ctrl-1’, ’Alt-X’, ’Meta-plus’, ’enter’. The last two cases include example of special key identifiers; these include: ’backslash’, ’exclam’, ’quotedbl’, ’dollar’, ’asterisk’, ’less’, ’greater’, ’asciicircum’ (caret), ’question’, ’equal’, ’parenleft’, ’parenright’, ’colon’, ’semicolon’, ’bar’ (pipe sign), ’underscore’, ’percent’, ’minus’, ’plus’, ’BackSpace’, ’Delete’, ’Insert’, ’Return’, ’End’, ’Home’, ’Prior’ (Pgup), ’Next’ (Pgdn), ’F1’..’F24’, ’Caps_Lock’, ’Num_Lock’, ’Tab’, ’Left’, ’Right’, ’Up’, ’Down’. There are in addition four special identifiers which map to platform-specific keys: ’<Cut>’, ’<Copy>’, ’<Paste>’, ’<Clear>’ (all with the angular brackets!).

onKeyEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a key is pressed and the receiver has the focus, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The pressed key will be passed as a String parameter; some of the keys will send special key identifiers such as those explained in the documentation for #onKeyEvent:send:to: Look at the #eventTest test program in the BloxTestSuite to find out the parameters passed to such an event procedure

onKeyUpEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a key has been released and the receiver has the focus, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The released key will be passed as a String parameter; some of the keys will send special key identifiers such as those explained in the documentation for #onKeyEvent:send:to: Look at the #eventTest test program in the BloxTestSuite to find out the parameters passed to such an event procedure

onMouseDoubleEvent: button send: aSelector to: anObject

When the given button is double-clicked on the mouse, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseDoubleEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a button is double-clicked on the mouse, send the 2-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point in the first parameter, the button number will be passed as an Integer in the second parameter.

onMouseDownEvent: button send: aSelector to: anObject

When the given button is pressed on the mouse, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseDownEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a button is pressed on the mouse, send the 2-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point in the first parameter, the button number will be passed as an Integer in the second parameter.

onMouseEnterEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the mouse enters the widget, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject.

onMouseLeaveEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the mouse leaves the widget, send the unary message identified by aSelector to anObject.

onMouseMoveEvent: button send: aSelector to: anObject

When the mouse is moved while the given button is pressed on the mouse, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseMoveEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the mouse is moved, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseTripleEvent: button send: aSelector to: anObject

When the given button is triple-clicked on the mouse, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseTripleEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a button is triple-clicked on the mouse, send the 2-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point in the first parameter, the button number will be passed as an Integer in the second parameter.

onMouseUpEvent: button send: aSelector to: anObject

When the given button is released on the mouse, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point.

onMouseUpEventSend: aSelector to: anObject

When a button is released on the mouse, send the 2-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The mouse position will be passed as a Point in the first parameter, the button number will be passed as an Integer in the second parameter.

onResizeSend: aSelector to: anObject

When the receiver is resized, send the 1-argument message identified by aSelector to anObject. The new size will be passed as a Point.

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