Dictionary English T

tail, IKUN

take, carry, HODI

take away, HASAI

talc, BADAAK

tamarind, SUKAIR

tame, MAUS

tasty, nice, FURAK

tea, SA


teacher, GURU (I)

teacher, MESTRE (P)

tear, ripe, LES

tears, LUUN


ten thousand, REBEN

testicles, LASAN FUAN

thanks, OBRIGADO (P)

that, NE'E BA

that, those, IDA NE'E BA

there, IHA NE'EBA

therefore, NE'E DUNI

therefore, so, then, HAFOIN

these, NE'E MAI

they, SIRA, SIA

thick, MAHAR

thick, BOKAR

thigh, KELEN

thin, MIHIS

thing, BUAT

think, remember, HANOIN

thirsty, HAMROOK

this, that, NE'E

this one, IDA NE'E MAI

this one, this, IDA NE'E

this definitely, IDA NE'E DUNI

this time, then, IHA ORAS NE'E

thorn. AI TARAK

thousand, RIHUN

thread, LAHAN

three, TOLU

thresh grain, BE'U

throw away, discard, SOE

throw; past tense, TIHA

thunder, RAI TARUTA

tie up, FUTU

tight, narrow, KLOOT

timid, FODAK

tin, KALEN

tip, extremity, ROHAN

tired; wages, KOLE, KOLEN

to, at, on, in, IHA

tobacco, TABAKU

today, OHIN

today, LORON NE'E


toilet, SENTINA (P)

toilet, LIUR FATIN

tomorrow, ABAN

tongue, NANAL

too HOTU

too, MOS

tooth, NEHAN

top, summit, TUTUN

touch, BOK

touch, feel, KOKOK

touch, feel, LAMAS

towards, KONA

track, road, DALAN

tradesman, BADAQIN

trample, SAMA

travel about, LEMU

treacherous, LARAN MAKEREK

tree, wood, firewood, AI

tree base, AI HUN

tremble, NAKDEDAR

tricky, BOBAR

tricky, variegated, MAKEREK

trim, cut (garden), LERE

truly, TEBES

truck, bus, KARETA (P)

trunk of tree, AI LOLON

trunk of tree, HUN

try, attempt, KOKO

tuber of all kinds, FEHUK

turn, FILA

turtle, LENUK

twenty, RUANULU

twist, DULAS

two, RUA