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14.1 Sequences

A sequence is a generalized list, consisting of zero or more values. You can choose between a number of different kinds of sequence implementations. Scheme traditionally has lists and vectors. Any Java class that implements java.util.List is a sequence type. Raw Java arrays can also be viewerd as a sequence, and strings can be viewed a sequence (or vector) of characters. Kawa also provides uniform vectors.

Sequence types differ in their API, but given a sequence type stype you can construct instances of that type using the syntax:

(stype v0 v1 .... vn)

For example:

(bytevector 9 8 7 6)  ⇒ #u8(9 8 7 6)

For a raw Java class name jname you may need to use the empty keyword ||: to separate constructor parameters (if any) from sequence elements, as in:

(gnu.lists.U8Vector ||: 9 8 7 6)  ⇒ #u8(9 8 7 6)

This syntax works with any type with a default constructor and a 1-argument add method; see Allocating objects for details. You can use the same syntax for allocating arrays, though array creation supports more options.

To extract an element from Scheme sequence of type stype there is usually a function stype-ref. For example:

(define vec1 (vector 5 6 7 8))
(vector-ref vec1 2) ⇒ 7

More concisely, you can use (Kawa-specific) function call syntax:

(vec1 3) ⇒ 8

The index can be another sequence, which creates a new sequence of the selected indexes:

(vec1 [3 0 2 1]) ⇒ #(8 5 7 6)

It is convenient to use a range to select a sub-sequence:

(vec1 [1 <=: 3]) ⇒ #(6 7 8)
(vec1 [2 <:]) ⇒ #(7 8)

The same function call syntax also works for raw Java arrays (though the index is restricted to an integer, not a sequence or array):

(define arr1 (long[] 4 5 6 7))
(arr1 3) ⇒ 7

To assign to (replace) an element from a sequence of Scheme type stype there is usually a function stype-set!:

(vector-set! vec1 1 9)
vec1 ⇒ #(5 9 7 8)

Again, you can use the function call syntax:

(set! (vec1 2) 'x)
vec1 ⇒ #(5 9 x 8)
Procedure: length seq

Returns the number of elements of the seq.

(length '(a b c))             ⇒  3
(length '(a (b) (c d e)))     ⇒  3
(length '())                  ⇒  0
(length [3 4 [] 12])          ⇒  4
(length (vector))             ⇒  0
(length (int[] 7 6))          ⇒  2

The length of a string is the number of characters (Unicode code points). In contrast, the length method (of the CharSequence interface) returns the number of 16-bit code points:

(length "Hello")              ⇒  5
(define str1 "Hello \x1f603;!")
(invoke str1 'length)         ⇒  9
(length str1)                 ⇒  8 ; Used to return 9 in Kawa 2.x.
(string-length str1)          ⇒  8

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