10.2 Formatting HTML Element with Classes

Opening an HTML element with one or more classes should always be done through html_attribute_class:

Function: $element_open = $converter->html_attribute_class ($html_element, \@classes)

Formats the beginning of an HTML element $html_element. \@classes is the list of classes for this element. The element opening returned does not include the end of element symbol ‘>’ such that it is possible to add more attributes.

If the HTML element is span, an empty string is returned if there is also no attribute.

If NO_CSS is set, no attribute is set for the element. Otherwise a class attribute is set based on \@classes . If INLINE_CSS_STYLE is set, a CSS style attribute based on CSS element class rules is also added. Otherwise the information that the element class was seen is registered by the converter.

Examples of use:

my $open = $converter->html_attribute_class('span', ['category-def']);
$category_result = $open.'>'.$category_result.'</span>'
  if ($open ne '');

my $result = $converter->html_attribute_class('em', [$cmdname, 'jax_p'])
     . '>' . $content . '</em>';