4.4 Simple Customization of Accent Commands

The formatting of accent commands (@', @ringaccent, @dotless) can be customized with USE_NUMERIC_ENTITY. It is also possible to change how accented commands are converted to named entities. The accent named entities are obtained by combining a letter to be accented, such as ‘e’ and a postfix based on the accent command name, for example ‘acute’ for the acute accent @'. For example, ‘@'e’ is converted to the ‘é’ named entity in the default case.

The association of accent @-command and named entity postfix and the list of letters that can be prepended can be changed with texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting:

Function: texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting ($accent_command_name, $entity_postfix, $letters)

$accent_command_name is a Texinfo accent formatting @-command name, $entity_postfix is a string corresponding to the accent command that is postpended to the letter accent argument. $letters is a string listing the letters that can be combined with the $entity_postfix. If $entity_postfix or $letters is an empty string, numeric entities are used instead of named entities.

For example, with the following code, @dotless{i} should be converted to ı, and @dotless{j} to &jnodot;. Other letters than ‘i’ and ‘j’ in argument of @dotless should not be combined into a named entity with that example.

texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting('dotless', 'nodot', 'ij');