3.8 Node Descriptions

You can provide a short description of the purpose of a node by using the @nodedescription command following the @node line. Such a description might elaborate on or extend the information in the node name itself.

You can also use a @nodedescriptionblock environment to provide a node description. This may be useful for longer descriptions.

texi2any uses the content you provide with these commands when outputing menus for Info output format (and, optionally, for HTML). texi2any uses the description after a menu entry for the node if it is generating the menu automatically, or if no description for the menu entry was provided in an explicit @menu block. (See Menus).

Here is an example of using these commands:

@node Tools
@chapter Tools

This chapter is on different tools you can use.

@node Screwdrivers
@nodedescription Flathead and Phillips.
@section Screwdrivers

This section is about screwdrivers.

@node Drills
Making holes in things with power screwdrivers, drill drivers, combi
drills, impact drivers, hammer drills, breakers and demolition drills.
@end nodedescriptionblock
@section Drills

This section is about drills.

In Info output, texi2any would output the ‘Tools’ node with a menu as follows:

* Menu:

* Screwdrivers::          Flathead and Phillips.
* Drills::                Making holes in things with power
                          screwdrivers, drill drivers, combi
                          drills, impact drivers, hammer drills,
                          breakers and demolition drills.