7.14 @cartouche: Rounded Rectangles

Where the output format allows, the @cartouche command draws a box with rounded corners around its contents. In HTML, a normal rectangle is drawn. You can use this command to isolate a portion of the manual from the main flow. You can also further highlight an example or quotation with @cartouche.

For instance, you could write a manual in which one type of example is surrounded by a cartouche for emphasis. For example,

% pwd
@end example
@end cartouche

surrounds the two-line example with a box with rounded corners, in the printed manual.

The output from the example looks like this (if you’re reading this in Info, you’ll see the @cartouche had no effect):

% pwd

@cartouche takes one optional argument, given on the remainder of the line. This text, if present, is the cartouche title. It is output in bold or otherwise emphasized at the beginning of the cartouche, and is centered in some output formats.

The following example illustrates a cartouche with a title:

@cartouche Important
Text explaining something important out of the main
flow of the text.
@end cartouche

The cartouche with a title looks like this:


Text explaining something important out of the main flow of the text.

A cartouche is output on a single page in printed output, similarly to @group (see @group: Prevent Page Breaks).