PyCroft: Information
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PyCroft is a web services application which is inspired but such programs as Watson on Mac OS X and distributed under the GPL. I doubt it will ever become as professional and full featured but given the wide variety of free and useful web services available these days it should be possible to create a useful tool.

Primarily this is project which I started to learn Python. It was originally written using wxGTK but as from v0.1 it is using PyQT due to the need for unicode support.

Please contact me with your comments or code!


Below is a list of the features which are implemented.

  • Google Search - searches Google. Returns a list of the results which can be clicked on to load in an external browser.
  • Amazon Search - currently only searches books section. Adding more searches to this is currently high on the things to do list.
  • Meerkat - searches multiple news sites via O'Reilly's Meerkat service. Needs some work.
  • Babelfish - works now thanks to using PyQT toolkit

PyQT is functional...the GUI was designed with QTDesigner which was quick and easy but the code is awful. Once this is cleaned up sort out the Amazon search so we can search for non-book items. Re-implement the Finance panel.