GNU Astronomy Utilities CFITSIO

CFITSIO is the closest you can get to the pixels in a FITS image while remaining faithful to the FITS standard. It is written by William Pence, the principal author of the FITS standard80, and is regularly updated. Setting the definitions for all other software packages using FITS images.

Some GNU/Linux distributions have CFITSIO in their package managers, if it is available and updated, you can use it. One problem that might occur is that CFITSIO might not be configured with the --enable-reentrant option by the distribution. This option allows CFITSIO to open a file in multiple threads, it can thus provide great speed improvements. If CFITSIO was not configured with this option, any program which needs this capability will warn you and abort when you ask for multiple threads (see Multi-threaded operations).

To install CFITSIO from source, we strongly recommend that you have a look through Chapter 2 (Creating the CFITSIO library) of the CFITSIO manual and understand the options you can pass to $ ./configure (they are not too much). This is a very basic package for most astronomical software and it is best that you configure it nicely with your system. Once you download the source and unpack it, the following configure script should be enough for most purposes. Do not forget to read chapter two of the manual though, for example, the second option is only for 64bit systems. The manual also explains how to check if it has been installed correctly.

CFITSIO comes with two executable files called fpack and funpack. From their manual: they “are standalone programs for compressing and uncompressing images and tables that are stored in the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. They are analogous to the gzip and gunzip compression programs except that they are optimized for the types of astronomical images that are often stored in FITS format”. The commands below will compile and install them on your system along with CFITSIO. They are not essential for Gnuastro, since they are just wrappers for functions within CFITSIO, but they can come in handy. The make utils command is only available for versions above 3.39, it will build these executable files along with several other executable test files which are deleted in the following commands before the installation (otherwise the test files will also be installed).

The commands necessary to download the source, decompress, build and install CFITSIO from source are described below.

$ urlbase=
$ wget $urlbase/cfitsio_latest.tar.gz
$ tar -xf cfitsio_latest.tar.gz
$ cd cfitsio-X.XX                   # Replace X.XX with version
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-sse2 --enable-reentrant \
              CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g0 -O3"
$ make
$ make utils
$ ./testprog > testprog.lis         # See below if this has an error
$ diff testprog.lis testprog.out    # Should have no output
$ cmp testprog.std     # Should have no output
$ rm cookbook fitscopy imcopy smem speed testprog
$ sudo make install

In the ./testprog > testprog.lis step, you may confront an error, complaining that it cannot find (where AAA is an integer). This is the library that you just built and have not yet installed. But unfortunately some versions of CFITSIO do not account for this on some OSs. To fix the problem, you need to tell your OS to also look into current CFITSIO build directory with the first command below, afterwards, the problematic command (second below) should run properly.

$ ./testprog > testprog.lis

Recall that the modification above is ONLY NECESSARY FOR THIS STEP. Do not put the LD_LIBRARY_PATH modification command in a permanent place (like your bash startup file). After installing CFITSIO, close your terminal and continue working on a new terminal (so LD_LIBRARY_PATH has its default value). For more on LD_LIBRARY_PATH, see Installation directory.



Pence, W.D. et al. Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), version 3.0. (2010) Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 524, id.A42, 40 pp.