GNU Astronomy Utilities Linear warps to be called explicitly

Linear warps include operations like rotation, scaling, sheer, etc. For an introduction, see Linear warping basics. These are warps that don’t depend on the WCS of the image and should be explicitly requested. To align the input pixel coordinates with the WCS coordinates, see Align pixels with WCS considering distortions.

While they will correct any existing WCS based on the warp, they can also operate on images without any WCS. For example, you have a mock image that doesn’t (yet!) have its mock WCS, and it has been created on an over-sampled grid and convolved with an over-sampled PSF. In this scenario, you can use the --scale option to under-sample it to your desired resolution. This is similar to the Sufi simulates a detection tutorial.

Linear warps must be specified as command-line options, either as (possibly multiple) modular warpings (for example, --rotate, or --scale), or directly as a single raw matrix (with --matrix). If specified together, the latter (direct matrix) will take precedence and all the modular warpings will be ignored. Any number of modular warpings can be specified on the command-line and configuration files. If more than one modular warping is given, all will be merged to create one warping matrix. As described in Merging multiple warpings, matrix multiplication is not commutative, so the order of specifying the modular warpings on the command-line, and/or configuration files makes a difference (see Configuration file precedence). The full list of modular warpings and the other options particular to Warp are described below.

The values to the warping options (modular warpings as well as --matrix), are a sequence of at least one number. Each number in this sequence is separated from the next by a comma (,). Each number can also be written as a single fraction (with a forward-slash / between the numerator and denominator). Space and Tab characters are permitted between any two numbers, just do not forget to quote the whole value. Otherwise, the value will not be fully passed onto the option. See the examples above as a demonstration.

Based on the FITS standard, integer values are assigned to the center of a pixel and the coordinate [1.0, 1.0] is the center of the first pixel (bottom left of the image when viewed in SAO DS9). So the coordinate center [0.0, 0.0] is half a pixel away (in each axis) from the bottom left vertex of the first pixel. The resampling that is done in Warp (see Resampling) is done on the coordinate axes and thus directly depends on the coordinate center. In some situations this if fine, for example, when rotating/aligning a real image, all the edge pixels will be similarly affected. But in other situations (for example, when scaling an over-sampled mock image to its intended resolution, this is not desired: you want the center of the coordinates to be on the corner of the pixel. In such cases, you can use the --centeroncorner option which will shift the center by \(0.5\) before the main warp, then shift it back by \(-0.5\) after the main warp.

-r FLT

Rotate the input image by the given angle in degrees: \(\theta\) in Linear warping basics. Note that commonly, the WCS structure of the image is set such that the RA is the inverse of the image horizontal axis which increases towards the right in the FITS standard and as viewed by SAO DS9. So the default center for rotation is on the right of the image. If you want to rotate about other points, you have to translate the warping center first (with --translate) then apply your rotation and then return the center back to the original position (with another call to --translate, see Merging multiple warpings.

-s FLT[,FLT]

Scale the input image by the given factor(s): \(M\) and \(N\) in Linear warping basics. If only one value is given, then both image axes will be scaled with the given value. When two values are given (separated by a comma), the first will be used to scale the first axis and the second will be used for the second axis. If you only need to scale one axis, use 1 for the axis you do not need to scale. The value(s) can also be written (on the command-line or in configuration files) as a fraction.

-f FLT[,FLT]

Flip the input image around the given axis(s). If only one value is given, then both image axes are flipped. When two values are given (separated by acomma), you can choose which axis to flip over. --flip only takes values 0 (for no flip), or 1 (for a flip). Hence, if you want to flip by the second axis only, use --flip=0,1.

-e FLT[,FLT]

Shear the input image by the given value(s): \(A\) and \(B\) in Linear warping basics. If only one value is given, then both image axes will be sheared with the given value. When two values are given (separated by a comma), the first will be used to shear the first axis and the second will be used for the second axis. If you only need to shear along one axis, use 0 for the axis that must be untouched. The value(s) can also be written (on the command-line or in configuration files) as a fraction.

-t FLT[,FLT]

Translate (move the center of coordinates) the input image by the given value(s): \(c\) and \(f\) in Linear warping basics. If only one value is given, then both image axes will be translated by the given value. When two values are given (separated by a comma), the first will be used to translate the first axis and the second will be used for the second axis. If you only need to translate along one axis, use 0 for the axis that must be untouched. The value(s) can also be written (on the command-line or in configuration files) as a fraction.

-p FLT[,FLT]

Apply a projection to the input image by the given values(s): \(g\) and \(h\) in Linear warping basics. If only one value is given, then projection will apply to both axes with the given value. When two values are given (separated by a comma), the first will be used to project the first axis and the second will be used for the second axis. If you only need to project along one axis, use 0 for the axis that must be untouched. The value(s) can also be written (on the command-line or in configuration files) as a fraction.

-m STR

The warp/transformation matrix. All the elements in this matrix must be separated by commas(,) characters and as described above, you can also use fractions (a forward-slash between two numbers). The transformation matrix can be either a 2 by 2 (4 numbers), or a 3 by 3 (9 numbers) array. In the former case (if a 2 by 2 matrix is given), then it is put into a 3 by 3 matrix (see Linear warping basics).

The determinant of the matrix has to be non-zero and it must not contain any non-number values (for example, infinities or NaNs). The elements of the matrix have to be written row by row. So for the general Homography matrix of Linear warping basics, it should be called with --matrix=a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,1.

The raw matrix takes precedence over all the modular warping options listed above, so if it is called with any number of modular warps, the latter are ignored.


Put the center of coordinates on the corner of the first (bottom-left when viewed in SAO DS9) pixel. This option is applied after the final warping matrix has been finalized: either through modular warpings or the raw matrix. See the explanation above for coordinates in the FITS standard to better understand this option and when it should be used.


Do not correct the WCS information of the input image and save it untouched to the output image. By default the WCS (World Coordinate System) information of the input image is going to be corrected in the output image so the objects in the image are at the same WCS coordinates. But in some cases it might be useful to keep it unchanged (for example, to correct alignments).