GNU Astronomy Utilities

1.9 Report a bug

According to Wikipedia “a software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways”. So when you see that a program is crashing, not reading your input correctly, giving the wrong results, or not writing your output correctly, you have found a bug. In such cases, it is best if you report the bug to the developers. The programs will also inform you if known impossible situations occur (which are caused by something unexpected) and will ask the users to report the bug issue.

Prior to actually filing a bug report, it is best to search previous reports. The issue might have already been found and even solved. The best place to check if your bug has already been discussed is the bugs tracker on Gnuastro project webpage at In the top search fields (under “Display Criteria”) set the “Open/Closed” drop-down menu to “Any” and choose the respective program or general category of the bug in “Category” and click the “Apply” button. The results colored green have already been solved and the status of those colored in red is shown in the table.

Recently corrected bugs are probably not yet publicly released because they are scheduled for the next Gnuastro stable release. If the bug is solved but not yet released and it is an urgent issue for you, you can get the version controlled source and compile that, see Version controlled source.

To solve the issue as readily as possible, please follow the following to guidelines in your bug report. The How to Report Bugs Effectively and How To Ask Questions The Smart Way essays also provide some good generic advice for all software (do not contact their authors for Gnuastro’s problems). Mastering the art of giving good bug reports (like asking good questions) can greatly enhance your experience with any free and open source software. So investing the time to read through these essays will greatly reduce your frustration after you see something does not work the way you feel it is supposed to for a large range of software, not just Gnuastro.

Be descriptive

Please provide as many details as possible and be very descriptive. Explain what you expected and what the output was: it might be that your expectation was wrong. Also please clearly state which sections of the Gnuastro book (this book), or other references you have studied to understand the problem. This can be useful in correcting the book (adding links to likely places where users will check). But more importantly, it will be encouraging for the developers, since you are showing how serious you are about the problem and that you have actually put some thought into it. “To be able to ask a question clearly is two-thirds of the way to getting it answered.” – John Ruskin (1819-1900).

Individual and independent bug reports

If you have found multiple bugs, please send them as separate (and independent) bugs (as much as possible). This will significantly help us in managing and resolving them sooner.

Reproducible bug reports

If we cannot exactly reproduce your bug, then it is very hard to resolve it. So please send us a Minimal working example17 along with the description. For example, in running a program, please send us the full command-line text and the output with the -P option, see Operating mode options. If it is caused only for a certain input, also send us that input file. In case the input FITS is large, please use Crop to only crop the problematic section and make it as small as possible so it can easily be uploaded and downloaded and not waste the archive’s storage, see Crop.

There are generally two ways to inform us of bugs:

Once the items have been registered in the mailing list or web page, the developers will add it to either the “Bug Tracker” or “Task Manager” trackers of the Gnuastro project web page. These two trackers can only be edited by the Gnuastro project developers, but they can be browsed by anyone, so you can follow the progress on your bug. You are most welcome to join us in developing Gnuastro and fixing the bug you have found maybe a good starting point. Gnuastro is designed to be easy for anyone to develop (see Gnuastro manifesto: Science and its tools) and there is a full chapter devoted to developing it: Developing.

Savannah’s Markup: When posting to Savannah, it helps to have the code displayed in mono-space font and a different background, you may also want to make a list of items or make some words bold. For features like these, you should use Savannah’s “Markup” guide at You can access this page by clicking on the “Full Markup” link that is just beside the “Preview” button, near the box that you write your comments. As you see there, for example when you want to high-light code, you should put it within a “+verbatim+” and “-verbatim-” environment like below:

astarithmetic image.fits image_arith.fits -h1 isblank nan where

Unfortunately, Savannah doesn’t have a way to edit submitted comments. Therefore be sure to press the “Preview” button and check your report’s final format before the final submission.


