Data namespace reference
[Core module]


Numerical data interpolation and plotting




  • PlotStyleMask operator&(PlotStyleMask a, PlotStyleMask b)
  • std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Set &s)
  • PlotStyleMask operator|(PlotStyleMask a, PlotStyleMask b)
  • PlotStyleMask operator~(PlotStyleMask a)

Members detail  

enum Interpolation  

Specifies data interpolation methods. Availability depends on data container used.

Nearest1d and 2d nearest interpolation
Linear1d linear and 2d bilinear interpolations
Quadratic1d quadratic interpolation
CubicSimple1d cubic piecewise interpolation. It has continuous piecewise first derivative, non-continuous piecewise linear second derivative. Use segments slope as first derivative. Less accurate than other cubic interpolants but requires less computation on data set change.
Cubic1d cubic piecewise interpolation. It has smooth first derivative and continuous piecewise linear second derivative. Derivatives for first and last entries are based on first and last segments slope. It uses linear extrapolation (continuous but non-smooth first derivative on both ends).
Cubic2Same interpolation as Cubic, with quadratic extrapolation (continous and smooth first derivative on both ends).
CubicDerivInitSame as Cubic with first derivative prescribed for first and last entries only.
Cubic2DerivInitSame as Cubic2 with first derivative prescribed for first and last entries only.
CubicDeriv1d cubic piecewise interpolation. First derivatives must be provided for all entries. It uses linear extrapolation.
Cubic2Deriv1d cubic piecewise interpolation. First derivatives must be provided for all entries. It uses quadratic extrapolation.
Bicubic2d bicubic interpolation. Use smooth first derivative and continuous piecewise linear second derivative. Use 1d cubic curve to extract gradients (smooth first derivative and continuous piecewise linear second derivative). This is the best 2d interpolation when derivatives are non-prescribed.
BicubicDiff2d bicubic interpolation. Use numerical differencing to extract gradients. Less accurate than Bicubic but requires less computation on data set change.
BicubicDeriv2d bicubic interpolation. x and y gradients must be provided. This is the best 2d interpolation when derivatives values are available.

enum PlotStyleMask  

Specifies available styles for 2d and 3d plot data rendering

LinePlotDraw lines between knots
PointPlotDraw points for each knot
InterpolatePlotDraw a smooth curve
ValuePlotPrint ploted values near knots
FilledDraw filled 3d surface

Bitwise and operation for use on PlotStyleMask enum.

std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Set &s)  

No documentation available

Bitwise or operation for use on PlotStyleMask enum.

Bitwise not operation for use on PlotStyleMask enum.

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