Io::RendererAxes class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Io/RendererAxes>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Io {
class RendererAxes;

This class is a member of the Io namespace.


This class describe how axes must be rendered on graphical output.


See also the full member list section for this class.



Members detail  


No documentation available

enum AxisMask  

Specify axes


const std::string & get_label(unsigned int axis) const  

Get axis label

const Math::Vector3 & get_origin() const  

This function returns axes tics values origin.

const Math::Vector3 & get_position() const  

This function returns axis position

bool get_show_axes(unsigned int axis) const  

See set_show_axes function.

bool get_show_frame() const  

See set_show_frame function.

bool get_show_grid() const  

See set_show_grid function.

bool get_show_tics(unsigned int axis) const  

See set_show_tics function.

bool get_show_values(unsigned int axis) const  

See set_show_values function.

double get_tics_step(int index, const Math::range_t &r) const  

get distance between axis tics

void set_label(const std::string &label, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function set axis label

void set_origin(const Math::Vector3 &origin)  

This function sets axis tics values origin.

void set_position(const Math::Vector3 &position)  

This function returns axis position

void set_range(const Math::range_t &r, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

Set value range for given axis. Default range is [0,0] which means automatic range.

void set_show_axes(bool show = true, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets axes visibility.

void set_show_frame(bool show = true)  

This function sets frame visibility.

void set_show_grid(bool show = true)  

This function sets grid visibility. Grid points use tic step.

void set_show_tics(bool show = true, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets tics visibility. Tics are located on axes and frame.

See also set_show_axes function and set_show_frame function.

void set_show_values(bool show = true, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets tics value visibility. When frame is visible, tics value is located on frame tics instead of axes tics.

See also set_show_axes function and set_show_frame function.

void set_tics_base(unsigned int min_count = 5, double base = 10.0, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets distance between axis tics to best fit power of specified base divided by sufficient factor of 2 and 5 to have at least min_count tics.

See also set_tics_step function and set_tics_count function.

void set_tics_count(unsigned int count, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets tics count.

See also set_tics_step function and set_tics_base function.

void set_tics_step(double step, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets distance between axis tics to specified value.

See also set_tics_count function and set_tics_base function.

void set_unit(const std::string &unit, bool pow10_scale = true, bool si_prefix = true, int si_pow10 = 0, AxisMask a = XYZ)  

This function sets axis unit.

When pow10_scale is set, value will be scaled to shorten their length and appropriate power of 10 factor will be displayed in axis label.

If si_prefix is set, SI letter decimal prefix is used and the pow10 parameter can be used to scale base unit by power of ten (useful when input data use scaled SI base unit).

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