Math::Transform<3> class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Math/Transform>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Math {
template <> class Transform<3>;

This class is a member of the Math namespace.

This class is a specialization of Transform.


This class describes linear and affine transformations in 3d space. It contains a 3x3 transformation matrix and a 3d translation vector. It can be used for translation and rotation in 3d.

See also Transform3 typedef.


See also the full member list section for this class.


Members detail  


No documentation available

Transform(const TransformBase<3> &t)  

No documentation available

Transform(const Quaternion &q, const Vector3 &v)  

Create a transform from rotation quaternion and translation vector

Transform<3> & affine_rotation(const Vector3 &rangles)  

apply rotation to current transform (degree)

Transform<3> & affine_rotation_rad(const Vector3 &rangles)  

apply rotation to current transform (radian)

Transform<3> & linear_rotation(const Vector3 &dangles)  

apply rotation to current transform (degree) (does not transform translation vector)

Transform<3> & linear_rotation_rad(const Vector3 &rangles)  

apply rotation to current transform (radian) (does not transform translation vector)

void set_direction(const Vector3 &d)  

set rotation from given direction vector

void set_rotation(const Quaternion &q)  

set rotation from given quaternion

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