Shape::Rectangle class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Shape/Rectangle>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Shape {
class Rectangle;

This class is a member of the Shape namespace.







Rectangle and square shape


See also the full member list section for this class.

Inherited members  

  • 12 members inherited from Base


  • Rectangle(double width, double height)
  • Rectangle(double sqsize)
  • virtual Math::VectorPair2 get_bounding_box() const
  • virtual void get_contour(unsigned int contour, const Math::Vector2::put_delegate_t &f, double resolution) const
  • virtual unsigned int get_contour_count() const
  • virtual double get_outter_radius(const Math::Vector2 &dir) const
  • virtual void get_pattern(const Math::Vector2::put_delegate_t &v, const Trace::Distribution &d, bool unobstructed) const
  • virtual void get_triangles(const Math::Triangle<2>::put_delegate_t &f, double resolution) const
  • virtual bool inside(const Math::Vector2 &point) const
  • virtual double max_radius() const
  • virtual double min_radius() const

Members detail  

Rectangle(double width, double height)  

Create a rectangle with given width and height

Rectangle(double sqsize)  

Create a square with given side length

virtual Math::VectorPair2 get_bounding_box() const  

This virtual function implements the get_bounding_box pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get shape bounding box

virtual void get_contour(unsigned int contour, const Math::Vector2::put_delegate_t &f, double resolution) const  

This virtual function implements the get_contour pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get contour polygone points for specified contour id. First contour is always outter edge.

See also get_contour_count function.

virtual unsigned int get_contour_count() const  

This virtual function implements the get_contour_count pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get number of contours polygones. This function returns value is greater than 1 if shape has hole(s).

See also get_contour function.

virtual double get_outter_radius(const Math::Vector2 &dir) const  

This virtual function implements the get_outter_radius pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get distance between origin and farthest shape edge in specified direction

virtual void get_pattern(const Math::Vector2::put_delegate_t &v, const Trace::Distribution &d, bool unobstructed) const  

This virtual function overrides the get_pattern virtual function defined in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get points distributed on shape area with given pattern

virtual void get_triangles(const Math::Triangle<2>::put_delegate_t &f, double resolution) const  

This virtual function implements the get_triangles pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get shape teselation triangles

virtual bool inside(const Math::Vector2 &point) const  

This virtual function implements the inside pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Check if the (x,y) 2d point is inside 2d shape area

virtual double max_radius() const  

This virtual function implements the max_radius pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get distance between origin and farthest shape edge

virtual double min_radius() const  

This virtual function implements the min_radius pure function declared in the Base base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Get distance between origin and nearest shape outter edge

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