sql - execute a command on a database determined by a dburl


sql [options] dburl [commands]

sql [options] dburl < commandfile

#!/usr/bin/sql --shebang [options] dburl


GNU sql aims to give a simple, unified interface for accessing databases through all the different databases' command line clients. So far the focus has been on giving a common way to specify login information (protocol, username, password, hostname, and port number), size (database and table size), and running queries.

The database is addressed using a DBURL. If commands are left out you will get that database's interactive shell.

GNU sql is often used in combination with GNU parallel.

  • dburl

A DBURL has the following syntax: [sql:]vendor:// [[user][:password]@][host][:port]/[database][?sqlquery]

See the section DBURL below.

  • commands

The SQL commands to run. Each argument will have a newline appended.

Example: "SELECT * FROM foo;" "SELECT * FROM bar;"

If the arguments contain '\n' or '\x0a' this will be replaced with a newline:

Example: "SELECT * FROM foo;\n SELECT * FROM bar;"

If no commands are given SQL is read from the keyboard or STDIN.

Example: echo 'SELECT * FROM foo;' | sql mysql:///

  • --csv

CSV output.

  • --db-size

  • --dbsize

Size of database. Show the size of the database on disk. For Oracle this requires access to read the table dba_data_files - the user system has that.

  • --help

  • -h

Print a summary of the options to GNU sql and exit.

  • --html

HTML output. Turn on HTML tabular output.

  • --json

  • --pretty

Pretty JSON output.

  • --list-databases

  • --listdbs

  • --show-databases

  • --showdbs

List the databases (table spaces) in the database.

  • --listproc

  • --proclist

  • --show-processlist

Show the list of running queries.

  • --list-tables

  • --show-tables

  • --table-list

List the tables in the database.

  • --noheaders

  • --no-headers

  • -n

Remove headers and footers and print only tuples. Bug in Oracle: it still prints number of rows found.

  • -p pass-through

The string following -p will be given to the database connection program as arguments. Multiple -p's will be joined with space. Example: pass '-U' and the user name to the program:

-p "-U scott" can also be written -p -U -p scott.

  • --precision <rfc3339|h|m|s|ms|u|ns>

Precision of timestamps.

Specifiy the format of the output timestamps: rfc3339, h, m, s, ms, u or ns.

  • -r

Try 3 times. Short version of --retries 3.

  • --retries ntimes

Try ntimes times. If the client program returns with an error, retry the command. Default is --retries 1.

  • --sep string

  • -s string

Field separator. Use string as separator between columns.

  • --skip-first-line

Do not use the first line of input (used by GNU sql itself when called with --shebang).

  • --table-size

  • --tablesize

Size of tables. Show the size of the tables in the database.

  • --verbose

  • -v

Print which command is sent.

  • --version

  • -V

Print the version GNU sql and exit.

  • --shebang

  • -Y

GNU sql can be called as a shebang (#!) command as the first line of a script. Like this:

#!/usr/bin/sql -Y mysql:///


For this to work --shebang or -Y must be set as the first option.


A DBURL has the following syntax: [sql:]vendor:// [[user][:password]@][host][:port]/[database][?sqlquery]

To quote special characters use %-encoding specified in (E.g. a password containing '/' would contain '%2F').


sql:sqlite2:////tmp/db.sqlite?SELECT * FROM foo;

Currently supported vendors: MySQL (mysql), MySQL with SSL (mysqls, mysqlssl), Oracle (oracle, ora), PostgreSQL (postgresql, pg, pgsql, postgres), PostgreSQL with SSL (postgresqlssl, pgs, pgsqlssl, postgresssl, pgssl, postgresqls, pgsqls, postgress), SQLite2 (sqlite, sqlite2), SQLite3 (sqlite3), InfluxDB 1.x (influx, influxdb), InfluxDB with SSL (influxdbssl, influxdbs, influxs, influxssl)

Aliases must start with ':' and are read from /etc/sql/aliases and ~/.sql/aliases. The user's own ~/.sql/aliases should only be readable by the user.

Example of aliases:

:myalias1 pg://
:myalias2 ora://
# Short form of mysql://`whoami`:nopassword@localhost:3306/`whoami`
:myalias3 mysql:///
# Short form of mysql://`whoami`:nopassword@localhost:33333/mydb
:myalias4 mysql://:33333/mydb
# Alias for an alias
:m      :myalias4
# the sortest alias possible
:       sqlite2:////tmp/db.sqlite
# Including an SQL query
:query  sqlite:////tmp/db.sqlite?SELECT * FROM foo;


Get an interactive prompt

The most basic use of GNU sql is to get an interactive prompt:

sql sql:oracle://

If you have setup an alias you can do:

sql :myora

Run a query

To run a query directly from the command line:

sql :myalias "SELECT * FROM foo;"

Oracle requires newlines after each statement. This can be done like this:

sql :myora "SELECT * FROM foo;" "SELECT * FROM bar;"

Or this:

sql :myora "SELECT * FROM foo;\nSELECT * FROM bar;"

Copy a PostgreSQL database

To copy a PostgreSQL database use pg_dump to generate the dump and GNU sql to import it:

pg_dump pg_database | sql pg://

Empty all tables in a MySQL database

Using GNU parallel it is easy to empty all tables without dropping them:

sql -n mysql:/// 'show tables' | parallel sql mysql:/// DELETE FROM {};

Drop all tables in a PostgreSQL database

To drop all tables in a PostgreSQL database do:

sql -n pg:/// '\dt' | parallel --colsep '\|' -r sql pg:/// DROP TABLE {2};

Run as a script

Instead of doing:

sql mysql:/// < sqlfile

you can combine the sqlfile with the DBURL to make a UNIX-script. Create a script called demosql:

#!/usr/bin/sql -Y mysql:///


Then do:

chmod +x demosql; ./demosql

Use --colsep to process multiple columns

Use GNU parallel's --colsep to separate columns:

sql -s '\t' :myalias 'SELECT * FROM foo;' | parallel --colsep '\t' do_stuff {4} {1}

Retry if the connection fails

If the access to the database fails occasionally --retries can help make sure the query succeeds:

sql --retries 5 :myalias 'SELECT * FROM really_big_foo;'

Get info about the running database system

Show how big the database is:

sql --db-size :myalias

List the tables:

sql --list-tables :myalias

List the size of the tables:

sql --table-size :myalias

List the running processes:

sql --show-processlist :myalias


GNU sql is part of GNU parallel. Report bugs to <>.


When using GNU sql for a publication please cite:

  1. Tange (2011): GNU SQL - A Command Line Tool for Accessing Different Databases Using DBURLs, ;login: The USENIX Magazine, April 2011:29-32.

Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Ole Tange

Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Ole Tange, and Free Software Foundation, Inc.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or at your option any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.

Documentation license I

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentation under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the file LICENSES/GFDL-1.3-or-later.txt.

Documentation license II

You are free:

  • to Share

to copy, distribute and transmit the work

  • to Remix

to adapt the work

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution

You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).

  • Share Alike

If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license.

With the understanding that:

  • Waiver

Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

  • Public Domain

Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.

  • Other Rights

In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:

  • Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations;

  • The author's moral rights;

  • Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

  • Notice

For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.

A copy of the full license is included in the file as cc-by-sa.txt.


GNU sql uses Perl. If mysql is installed, MySQL dburls will work. If psql is installed, PostgreSQL dburls will work. If sqlite is installed, SQLite2 dburls will work. If sqlite3 is installed, SQLite3 dburls will work. If sqlplus is installed, Oracle dburls will work. If rlwrap is installed, GNU sql will have a command history for Oracle.


~/.sql/aliases - user's own aliases with DBURLs

/etc/sql/aliases - common aliases with DBURLs


mysql(1), psql(1), rlwrap(1), sqlite(1), sqlite3(1), sqlplus(1), influx(1)

    # This must be done first as this may exec myself
    if(defined $ARGV[0] and ($ARGV[0]=~/^-Y/ or $ARGV[0]=~/^--shebang /)) {
       # Program is called from #! line in script
       $ARGV[0]=~s/^-Y //; # remove -Y if on its own
       $ARGV[0]=~s/^-Y/-/; # remove -Y if bundled with other options
       $ARGV[0]=~s/^--shebang //; # remove --shebang if it is set
       my $argfile = pop @ARGV;
       # exec myself to split @ARGV into separate fields
       exec "$0 --skip-first-line < $argfile @ARGV";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling","require_order");
    GetOptions("passthrough|p=s@" => \$::opt_p,
              "sep|s=s" => \\$::opt_s,
              "html" => \\$::opt_html,
              => \\$::opt_processlist,
              "list-measurements|listmeasurements" => \\$::opt_tablelist,
              "showdatabases|showdatabase" => \\$::opt_dblist,
              "db-size|dbsize" => \\$::opt_dbsize,
              "table-size|tablesize" => \\$::opt_tablesize,
              "json|j" => \\$::opt_json,
              "pretty" => \\$::opt_pretty,
              "csv" => \\$::opt_csv,
              "precision=s" => \\$::opt_precision,
              "noheaders|no-headers|n" => \\$::opt_n,
              "r" => \\$::opt_retry,
              "retries=s" => \\$::opt_retries,
              "debug|D" => \\$::opt_debug,
              # Shebang #!/usr/bin/parallel -Yotheroptions
              "Y|shebang" => \\$::opt_shebang,
              "skip-first-line" => \\$::opt_skip_first_line,
              # GNU requirements
              "help|h" => \\$::opt_help,
              "version|V" => \\$::opt_version,
              "verbose|v" => \\$::opt_verbose,
       ) || die_usage();

    if(defined $::opt_help) { usage(); exit(0); }
    if(defined $::opt_version) { version(); exit(0); }
    $Global::debug = $::opt_debug; }
sub database_driver_alias {

my $driver = shift; my %database_driver_alias = ("mysql" => "mysql",

"mysqls" => "mysqlssl", "mysqlssl" => "mysqlssl", "oracle" => "oracle", "ora" => "oracle", "oracles" => "oraclessl", "oras" => "oraclessl", "oraclessl" => "oraclessl", "orassl" => "oraclessl", "postgresql" => "postgresql", "pgsql" => "postgresql", "postgres" => "postgresql", "pg" => "postgresql", "postgresqlssl" => "postgresqlssl", "pgsqlssl" => "postgresqlssl", "postgresssl" => "postgresqlssl", "pgssl" => "postgresqlssl", "postgresqls" => "postgresqlssl", "pgsqls" => "postgresqlssl", "postgress" => "postgresqlssl", "pgs" => "postgresqlssl", "sqlite" => "sqlite", "sqlite2" => "sqlite", "sqlite3" => "sqlite3",

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

                             "influx" => "influx",
                             "influxdb" => "influx",
                             "influxssl" => "influxssl",
                             "influxdbssl" => "influxssl",
                             "influxs" => "influxssl",
                             "influxdbs" => "influxssl",
return $database_driver_alias{$driver}; }
sub mysql_commands {

my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_); find_command_in_path("mysql") || die ("mysql not in path"); if(defined($::opt_s)) { die "Field separator not implemented for mysql" }

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

my $password = defined($opt{'password'}) ? "--password=".$opt{'password'} : "";
my $host = defined($opt{'host'}) ? "--host=".$opt{'host'} : "";
my $port = defined($opt{'port'}) ? "--port=".$opt{'port'} : "";
my $user = defined($opt{'user'}) ? "--user=".$opt{'user'} : "";
my $database = defined($opt{'database'}) ? $opt{'database'} : $ENV{'USER'};
my $html = defined($::opt_html) ? "--html" : "";
my $no_headers = defined($::opt_n) ? "--skip-column-names" : "";
my $ssl = "";
if ($database_driver eq "mysqlssl") { $ssl="--ssl"; }
my($credential_fh,$tmp) = tempfile(SUFFIX => ".sql");
chmod (0600,$tmp);
print $credential_fh ("[client]\n",
                     $user && "user=$opt{'user'}\\n",
                     $password && "password=$opt{'password'}\\n",
                     $host && "host=$opt{'host'}\\n");
close $credential_fh;
    # Prepend with a remover of the credential tempfile
    my $qtmp = shell_quote($tmp);
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $batch_command =
       "((sleep 1; rm $qtmp) & ".
       "mysql --defaults-extra-file=$qtmp $pass_through_options ".
       "$no_headers $html $ssl $host $user $port $database)";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $interactive_command = $batch_command;
    return($batch_command,$interactive_command); }
sub postgresql_commands {

my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_); find_command_in_path("psql") || die ("psql not in path"); my $sep = ($::opt_s) ? "-A --field-separator '$::opt_s'" : "";

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

my $password = defined($opt{'password'}) ?
   "PGPASSWORD=".$opt{'password'} : "";
my $host = defined($opt{'host'}) ? "-h ".$opt{'host'} : "";
my $port = defined($opt{'port'}) ? "-p ".$opt{'port'} : "";
my $user = defined($opt{'user'}) ? "-U ".$opt{'user'} : "";
my $database = defined($opt{'database'}) ? "-d ".$opt{'database'} : "";
my $html = defined($::opt_html) ? "--html" : "";
my $no_headers = defined($::opt_n) ? "--tuples-only" : "";
my $ssl = "";
if ($database_driver eq "postgresqlssl") { $ssl="PGSSLMODE=require"; }
$batch_command =
   "$ssl $password psql $pass_through_options $sep $no_headers ".
   "$html $host $user $port $database";
$interactive_command = $batch_command;

return($batch_command,$interactive_command); }
sub oracle_commands {

my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_);

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # oracle://user:pass@grum:1521/XE becomes:
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # sqlplus 'user/pass@(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = grum)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = XE) ))'
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    my $sqlplus = find_command_in_path("sqlplus") ||
       find_command_in_path("sqlplus64") or
       die("sqlplus/sqlplus64 not in path");

    # Readline support: if rlwrap installed run rlwrap sqlplus
    my $rlwrap = find_command_in_path("rlwrap");
    # Set good defaults in the inifile
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $Global::Initfile = "/tmp/$$.sql.init";
    open(INIT,">".$Global::Initfile) || die;
    print INIT "SET LINESIZE 32767\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $::opt_debug and print "SET LINESIZE 32767\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    print INIT "SET WRAP OFF\n";
    $::opt_debug and print "SET WRAP OFF\n";
    if(defined($::opt_html)) {
       print INIT "SET MARK HTML ON\\n";
       $::opt_debug and print "SET MARK HTML ON\\n";
    if(defined($::opt_n)) {
       print INIT "SET PAGES 0\\n";
       $::opt_debug and print "SET PAGES 0\\n";
    } else {
       print INIT "SET PAGES 50000\\n";
       $::opt_debug and print "SET PAGES 50000\\n";
    if(defined($::opt_s)) {
       print INIT "SET COLSEP $::opt_s\\n";
       $::opt_debug and print "SET COLSEP $::opt_s\\n";
    close INIT;

    my $password = defined($opt{'password'}) ? "/".$opt{'password'} : "";
    my $host = defined($opt{'host'}) ? $opt{'host'} : "localhost";
    my $port = defined($opt{'port'}) ? $opt{'port'} : "1521";
    my $user = defined($opt{'user'}) ? $opt{'user'} : "";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # Database is called service in Oracle lingo
    my $service = defined($opt{'database'}) ? "(SERVICE_NAME = ".$opt{'database'}.")" : "";
    my $tns = "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $host)(PORT = $port)) ".
       "(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)$service ))";
    my $ssl = "";
    # -L: Do not re-ask for password if it is wrong
    my $common_options = "-L $pass_through_options ".
       "'$user$password\\@$tns' \\@$Global::Initfile";
    my $batch_command =        "$sqlplus -S ".$common_options;
    my $interactive_command = "$rlwrap $sqlplus ".$common_options;
    return($batch_command,$interactive_command); }
sub sqlite_commands {

my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_); if(not find_command_in_path($database_driver)) {

print STDERR "sql: Database driver '$database_driver' not supported\n"; exit 255;

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

my $sep = defined($::opt_s) ? "-separator '$::opt_s'" : "";
my $password = defined($opt{'password'}) ? "--password=".$opt{'password'} : "";
my $host = defined($opt{'host'}) ? "--host=".$opt{'host'} : "";
my $port = defined($opt{'port'}) ? "--port=".$opt{'port'} : "";
my $user = defined($opt{'user'}) ? "--user=".$opt{'user'} : "";
my $database = defined($opt{'database'}) ? $opt{'database'} : "";
my $html = defined($::opt_html) ? "-html" : "";
my $no_headers = defined($::opt_n) ? "-noheader" : "-header";
my $ssl = "";
$batch_command =
   "$database_driver $pass_through_options $sep ".
   "$no_headers $html $database";
$interactive_command = $batch_command;
return($batch_command,$interactive_command); }
sub influx_commands {

my ($database_driver,%opt) = (@_); my $influx = find_command_in_path("influx") ||

die ("influx not in path");

if(defined($::opt_s)) {

die "Field separator not implemented for influx";

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

my $password =
   defined($opt{'password'}) ? "-password=".$opt{'password'} : "";
my $host = defined($opt{'host'}) ? "-host=".$opt{'host'} : "";
my $port = defined($opt{'port'}) ? "-port=".$opt{'port'} : "";
my $user = defined($opt{'user'}) ? "-username=".$opt{'user'} : "";
my $database = defined($opt{'database'}) ?
   "-database $opt{'database'}" : "-database $ENV{'USER'}";

my $format = defined($::opt_json) ? "-format json" :
             defined($::opt_pretty) ? "-format json -pretty" :
             defined($::opt_csv) ? "-format csv" : "";
my $precision = defined($::opt_precision) ?
   "-precision $::opt_precision" : "";

my $no_headers = defined($::opt_n) ? "--skip-column-names" : "";
my $ssl = "";
if($database_driver eq "influxssl") { $ssl="--ssl"; }
    $batch_command =
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

        "$influx $pass_through_options $no_headers $format ".
       "$precision $ssl $host $user $password $port  $database";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $interactive_command = $batch_command;
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    return($batch_command,$interactive_command); }
sub processlist {

my $dbdriver = shift; my %dburl = @_; my %statement =

("mysql" => "show processlist;",
"postgresql" => ("SELECT ".

" datname AS database,". " usename AS username,". " now()-xact_start AS runtime,". " current_query ". "FROM pg_stat_activity ". "ORDER BY runtime DESC;"),

"oracle" => ("SELECT ".


"influx" => "show queries;",


=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

if($statement{$dbdriver}) {
   return $statement{$dbdriver};
} else {
   print STDERR "processlist is not implemented for $dbdriver\\n";
   exit 1;
} }
sub tablelist {

my $dbdriver = shift; my %dburl = @_; my %statement =

("mysql" => "show tables;",

"postgresql" => '\dt', "oracle" => ("SELECT object_name ".

"FROM user_objects ". "WHERE object_type = 'TABLE';"),

"sqlite" => ".tables", "sqlite3" => ".tables", "influx" => "show measurements;",


=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

if($statement{$dbdriver}) {
   return $statement{$dbdriver};
} else {
   print STDERR "tablelist is not implemented for $dbdriver\\n";
   exit 1;
} }
sub dblist {

my $dbdriver = shift; my %dburl = @_; my %statement =

("mysql" => "show databases;",
"postgresql" => ("SELECT datname FROM pg_database ".

"WHERE datname NOT IN ('template0','template1','postgres') ". "ORDER BY datname ASC;"),

"oracle" => ("select * from user_tablespaces;"), "influx" => "show databases;",


=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

if($statement{$dbdriver}) {
   return $statement{$dbdriver};
} else {
   print STDERR "dblist is not implemented for $dbdriver\\n";
   exit 1;
} }
sub dbsize {

my $dbdriver = shift; my %dburl = @_; my %statement; if(defined $dburl{'database'}) {

%statement =
("mysql" => (

'SELECT '. ' table_schema "database", '. ' SUM(data_length+index_length) "bytes", '. ' SUM(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024 "megabytes" '. 'FROM information_schema.TABLES '. "WHERE table_schema = '$dburl{'database'}'". 'GROUP BY table_schema;'),

"postgresql" => (

"SELECT '$dburl{'database'}' AS database, ". "pg_database_size('$dburl{'database'}') AS bytes, ". "pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('$dburl{'database'}')) AS human_readabable "),

"sqlite" => (

"SELECT ".(undef_as_zero(-s $dburl{'database'}))." AS bytes;"),

"sqlite3" => (

"SELECT ".(undef_as_zero(-s $dburl{'database'}))." AS bytes;"),


=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

} else {
   %statement =
       ("mysql" => (
            'SELECT '.
            '    table_schema "database", '.
            '    SUM(data_length+index_length) "bytes", '.
            '    SUM(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024 "megabytes" '.
            'FROM information_schema.TABLES '.
            'GROUP BY table_schema;'),
        "postgresql" => (
            'SELECT datname AS database, pg_database_size(datname) AS bytes, '.
            'pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) AS human_readabable '.
            'FROM (SELECT datname FROM pg_database) a;'),
        "sqlite" => (
            "SELECT 0 AS bytes;"),
        "sqlite3" => (
            "SELECT 0 AS bytes;"),
if($statement{$dbdriver}) {
   return $statement{$dbdriver};
} else {
   print STDERR "dbsize is not implemented for $dbdriver\\n";
   exit 1;
} }
sub tablesize {

my $dbdriver = shift; my $database = shift; my %statement =

("postgresql" => (

"SELECT relname, relpages*8 AS kb, reltuples::int AS \"live+dead rows\" ". "FROM pg_class c ". "ORDER BY relpages DESC;"),

"mysql" => (



=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

if($statement{$dbdriver}) {
   return $statement{$dbdriver};
} else {
   print STDERR "table size is not implemented for $dbdriver\\n";
   exit 1;
} }
sub is_stdin_terminal {

return (-t STDIN); }

sub find_command_in_path { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

# Find the command if it exists in the current path
my $command = shift;
my $path = `which $command`;
chomp $path;
return $path; }
sub get_alias {

my $alias = shift;

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $alias =~ s/^(sql:)*//; # Accept aliases prepended with sql:
    if ($alias !~ /^:/) {
       return $alias;
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash


    # Find the alias
    my $path;
    if (-l $0) {
       ($path) = readlink($0) =~ m|^(.*)/|;
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    } else {
       ($path) = $0 =~ m|^(.*)/|;
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash


    my @deprecated = ("$ENV{HOME}/.dburl.aliases",
                     "$path/dburl.aliases", "$path/dburl.aliases.dist");
    for (@deprecated) {
       if(-r $_) {
           print STDERR "$_ is deprecated. Use .sql/aliases instead (read man sql)\\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    my @urlalias=();
    my @search = ("$ENV{HOME}/.sql/aliases",
                 "$ENV{HOME}/.dburl.aliases", "/etc/sql/aliases",
                 "$path/dburl.aliases", "$path/dburl.aliases.dist");
    for my $alias_file (@search) {
       if(-r $alias_file) {
           open(my $fh, "<", $alias_file) || die;
           push @urlalias, <$fh>;
           close $fh;
    my ($alias_part,$rest) = $alias=~/(:\w*)(.*)/;
    # If we saw this before: we have an alias loop
    if(grep {$_ eq $alias_part } @Private::seen_aliases) {
       print STDERR "$alias_part is a cyclic alias\\n";
       exit -1;
    } else {
       push @Private::seen_aliases, $alias_part;

    my $dburl;
    for (@urlalias) {
       /^$alias_part\\s+(\\S+.*)/ and do { $dburl = $1; last; }
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash


    if($dburl) {
       return get_alias($dburl.$rest);
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    } else {
       usage("$alias is not defined in @search");
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    } }
sub check_permissions {

my $file = shift;

    if(-e $file) {
       if(not -o $file) {
           my $username = (getpwuid($<))[0];
           print STDERR "$file should be owned by $username: chown $username $file\\n";
       my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
           $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
       if($mode & 077) {
           my $username = (getpwuid($<))[0];
           print STDERR "$file should be only be readable by $username: chmod 600 $file\\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    } }
sub parse_dburl {

my $url = shift; my %options = ();

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # sql:mysql://[[user][:password]@][host][:port]/[database[?sql query]]

    if($url=~m!(?:sql:)? # You can prefix with 'sql:'
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

                 (?:sqlite|sqlite2|sqlite3)):// # Databasedriver ($1)
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

                ([^:@/][^:@]*|) # Username ($2)
                 :([^@]*) # Password ($3)
               ([^:/]*)? # Hostname ($4)
                ([^/]*)? # Port ($5)
                ([^?/]*)? # Database ($6)
                (.*)? # Query ($7)
              !x) {
       $options{databasedriver} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($1));
       $options{user} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($2));
       $options{password} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($3));
       $options{host} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($4));
       $options{port} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($5));
       $options{database} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($6))
           || $options{user};
       $options{query} = undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($7));
       debug("dburl $url\\n");
       debug("databasedriver ",$options{databasedriver}, " user ", $options{user},
             " password ", $options{password}, " host ", $options{host},
             " port ", $options{port}, " database ", $options{database},
             " query ",$options{query}, "\\n");
    } else {
       usage("$url is not a valid DBURL");
       exit -1;
    return %options; }

sub uri_unescape { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # Copied from
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # to avoid depending on URI::Escape
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # This section is (C) Gisle Aas.
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # Note from RFC1630:  "Sequences which start with a percent sign
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # but are not followed by two hexadecimal characters are reserved
    # for future extension"
    my $str = shift;
    if (@_ && wantarray) {
       # not executed for the common case of a single argument
       my @str = ($str, @_);  # need to copy
       foreach (@str) {
       return @str;
    $str =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg if defined $str;
    $str; }
sub undef_if_empty {
if(defined($_[0]) and $_[0] eq "") {

return undef;

=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

return $_[0]; }
sub undef_as_zero {

my $a = shift; return $a ? $a : 0; }

sub version { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

# Returns: N/A
print join("\n",
          "GNU $Global::progname $Global::version",
          "Copyright (C) 2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017",
          "Ole Tange and Free Software Foundation, Inc.",
          "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>",
          "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.",
          "GNU $Global::progname comes with no warranty.",
          "Web site:${Global::progname}\\n",
          "When using GNU $Global::progname for a publication please cite:\\n",
          "O. Tange (2011): GNU SQL - A Command Line Tool for Accessing Different",
          "Databases Using DBURLs, ;login: The USENIX Magazine, April 2011:29-32.\\n"
   ); }

sub die_usage { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

# Returns: N/A
exit(255); }

sub usage { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # Returns: N/A
    if(@_) {
       print map{ "$Global::progname: Error: $_\\n" } @_;
       print "\\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    print "Usage:\n";
    print "$Global::progname [-hnr] [--table-size] [--db-size] [-p pass-through] [-s string] dburl [sqlcommand]\n";
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    print "$Global::progname [-hnr] [--table-size] [--db-size] [-p pass-through] [-s string] dburl < sql_command_file\n";
    print "\n";
    print "See 'man $Global::progname' for the options\n"; }

sub debug { =for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    # Returns: N/A
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    $Global::debug or return;
=for pod2rst next-code-block: bash

    @_ = grep { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_;
    print @_; }

$::opt_skip_first_line = $::opt_shebang = 0;