12.3 @- and @hyphenation: Hyphenation in Printed Output

Although TeX’s hyphenation algorithm is generally pretty good, it does miss useful hyphenation points from time to time. (Or, far more rarely, insert an incorrect hyphenation.) So, for documents with an unusual vocabulary or when fine-tuning for a printed edition, you may wish to specify hyphenation points explicitly. Texinfo supports two commands for this:


Insert a discretionary hyphen, i.e., a place where a word can be broken across lines with a hyphen. This is especially useful when you notice that an overfull hbox is due to TeX missing a hyphenation (see Overfull “hboxes”). TeX will not insert any hyphenation points itself into a word containing @-.

@hyphenation{hy-phen-a-ted words}

Give hyphenation points for certain words. For example:

@hyphenation{man-u-script man-u-scripts}

As shown, you put a ‘-’ at each hyphenation point. TeX only uses the specified hyphenation points when the words match exactly, so give all necessary variants, such as plurals.

Non-printed output is not hyphenated, so none of these commands have any effect in other output formats.