We don't have a lsof tool. Perhaps we could cook something with having a look at which ports are open at the moment (as ?portinfo does, for example)?

IRC, freenode, #hurd, 2013-10-16

<teythoon> braunr: there's something I've been working on, it's not yet
  finished but usable
<teythoon> http://paste.debian.net/58266/
<teythoon> it graphs port usage
<teythoon> it's a bit heavy on the dependency-side though...
<braunr> but
<braunr> is it able to link rights from different ipc spaces ?
<teythoon> no
<teythoon> what do you mean exactly?
<braunr> know that send right 123 in task 1 refers to receive right 321 in
  task 2
<braunr> basically, lsof
<braunr> i'm not sure it's possible right now, and that's what we'd really
<teythoon> does the kernel hand out this information?
<braunr> ^
<teythoon> right, I'm not sure it's possible either
<braunr> but a graph maker in less than 300 is cute :)
<braunr> 300 lines*
<teythoon> well, it leverages pymatplotlib or something, it needs half of
  the pythonverse ;)
<braunr> lsof and pmap and two tools we really lack on the hurd
<teythoon> what does portinfo --translate=PID do?
<braunr> i guess it asks proc so that ports that refer to task actually
  give useful info
<braunr> hml
<braunr> no
<braunr> doesn't make sense to give a pid in this case
<braunr> teythoon: looks like it does what we talked about
<teythoon> :)
<braunr> teythoon: the output looks a bit weird anyway, i think we need to
  look at the code to be sure
<teythoon> braunr: this is what aptitude update looks like: